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      Кнопка RED BLUET FGBHPB-101-3 FIBARO

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Description in English:
The Button is available in a few different colors. It may improve the ambiance of a room if appropriately picked. The Button can be placed virtually anywhere. It can be fixed to a spot and moved when needed. The finest standards of production ensure that the device works flawlessly and lasts a long time. The Button is powered by batteries and does not require any wires. In response to needs of Apple technology users and according to our mission, to automate every single household, we are introducing The Button for Apple HomeKit. From now on you can enjoy the FIBARO device features on your favourite platform. The Button is a great convenience for seniors, the sick, and small children along with their caretakers. Your loved ones are a click away and can inform you about their needs or call for help. You can assign Button colors to each member of the family or allow the children to turn them into little works of art. The Button can recognize up to 6 actions. One click can turn off the light, two clicks can activate the AC unit, holding down the button may trigger a scene, etc. “Scenes” are synchronized actions of several devices. With the Button, you can run them with just one switch. Activate your imagination and find uses for this innovative switch in your business. Adding the Button to the FIBARO system is almost as simple as using it. Blinds, alarm, electrical devices - when you leave, you can secure your house with a single click. The Button does not just give you a variety of uses.
It is also fun to use every day. Synchronize The Button with the FIBARO SYSTEM and connect it with other cooperating devices. Our system provides you with wide spectrum of features, which give you immense automation possibilities everywhere you need it the most. 
Объем 0
Вес без упаковки 0.05
Вес в упаковке 0.30
Ссылка на сайт производителя www.fibaro.com/en/products/the-button/

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