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    Платформы NUC
      Intel Миникомпьютер CI5-7300U BLKNUC7I5DNK2E 960792

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Intel Миникомпьютер CI5-7300U BLKNUC7I5DNK2E 960792
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Intel Миникомпьютер CI5-7300U BLKNUC7I5DNK2E 960792


Your clients want the features and performance to tackle demanding tasks, display eye-catching visuals, and keep data safe and the Intel® NUC Kits NUC7i5DNKE and NUC7i5DNHE built with 7th Generation Intel® Core™ i5 vPro™ processors deliver the performance and innovation for small space and embedded solutions that your clients want. Whether you’re creating a digital kiosk, deploying intelligent vending, or refreshing enterprise PCs, the Intel NUC7i5DNKE and NUC7i5DNHE can get the job done easily. With Intel® Wireless 8265-AC and the option to run Windows® 10 or Linux* or another OS, the NUC7i5DNKE and NUC7i5DNHE deliver the flexibility to build the exact solution your clients want. The slightly taller Intel NUC7i5DNHE is Intel® Optane™ memory ready. By pairing Intel Optane memory with high capacity HDD storage media, performance increases 14 times faster than just a hard disk drive alone —exactly what customers want for digital kiosks that are streaming content or enterprise solutions where clients are connecting to cloud-based apps. Intel NUC7i5DNHE has room for up to a 2 TB 2.5" HDD, so clients can store data or sensitive files locally. This kit also has an M.2 slot available for a lightning fast SSD. In addition, there’s also an internal expansion area on the back of the chassis to encourage your innovation. Create a system with a DB9 connection for serial ports or build out internal expandability for 10/100 GbE—the possibilities are only limited by your imagination. The slimmer Intel NUC7i5DNKE makes it perfect for mounting in tight locations—on a wall behind a digital sign or on the display itself.

M.2 1
Тип оперативной памяти DDR4
Частота работы оперативной памяти 2133
Количество слотов памяти 2
Выход HDMI 2
Наличие USB 3.0 4
Беспроводной доступ в Интернет 802.11ac
Наличие Bluetooth Yes
Наличие SATA Yes
Наличие SATA 3.0 Yes
Установлен процессор i5-7300U
Встроенная видео карта Yes
Встроенный сетевой адаптер Gigabit
Объем 0
Вес без упаковки 0.80
Вес в упаковке 1.08
Ссылка на сайт производителя www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/products/boards-kits/nuc/kits/nuc7i5dnke.html

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