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  Ноутбуки и Планшеты
      Планшет 80 OXYGEN 8" 32GB 503210 ARCHOS

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Планшет 80 OXYGEN 8" 32GB 503210 ARCHOS

Планшет 80 OXYGEN 8" 32GB 503210 ARCHOS

Description in English:
Discover Reality Differently
Let the colorful world of the ARCHOS 80 Oxygen carry you away. Thanks to the 1920 x 1200 screen resolution you will discover colors you didn’t even know existed. The high pixel concentration will make images clearer, more precise and more colorful. You will take pleasure in watching movies and videos in a new light.
Robust Multi-tasker Processor
Propelled by a quad-core processor, the ARCHOS 80 Oxygen will fit to all your needs. Capable of juggling between applications, games and movies in Full HD, this processor will not sacrifice performance for battery life.
Android 6.0 Marshmallow
Powered by Android 6.0 Marshmallow, the ARCHOS 80 Oxygen has an improved and revised user interface for increased fluidity and intuitiveness. Marshmallow brings a bunch of new functionalities such as “Now on Tap”, a new file explorer and fast access to settings.
This tablet gets the latest design trends in the electronic world. The design has been thought out for optimal use to improve your daily use, all with an elegant and robust aluminum back casing.
The ARCHOS 80 Oxygen has two cameras: one on the back and one on the front of the device. Take pictures on the spot or videochat with your family and friends. Never miss a moment.
Беспроводной доступ в Интернет Yes
Наличие Bluetooth Yes
Выход HDMI Micro (D) 1
Аудио выход 1
Микро-USB 1
Ширина 120.00мм
Высота 208.00мм
Глубина 8.00мм
Ссылка на сайт производителя http://www.archos.com/lv/products/tablets/oxygen/archos_80oxygen/index.html

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